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More About the Story

The first thirty Sconnettts were written between 1998 and 2013 covering the tumultuous period of

first love to getting engaged to my queen.


Over the years some of the poems were given away as gifts or expressions of gratitude and love, while others were written more recently reflecting back on the ups and downs of these relationships. One by one I contacted each ex and first asked permission in printing their names (first and/or last). If I heard back, I reached out once more and asked if they'd be so kind as to offer up a Lovers' Complaint to be printed on the back of the book paying homage to the Bard's, "A Lover's Complaint" the forty-seven stanza royally rhymed poem that first appeared in the appendix of the 1609 version of Shakespeare's Sonnets. 

I heard back from most. One or two declined, a few had no problem whatsoever listing their full names in print, while others politely asked to be listed anonymously. Some of the complaints were compiled from previous sentiments expressed to me via email or post and were further adapted to reflect an exes present view of the now ancient relationship. Many I still hold in my possession for future editions of the book. 

I learned more about myself and about life from these relationships and complaints than I ever imagined. At the very least they've led me to an increased level of self-awareness of when I was being selfish, condescending, obscure, demanding, emotionally dependent or grossly unfair in my journey to become a better man.



The remaining poems are on a variety of subjects centered around love. The action movie section 

is dedicated to my brother who I have always connected with through cinema. The sports sections is for my father, a retired physical education teacher and coach while their are other poems written for Shakespeare, television shows I've enjoyed watching and uncategorizable poems about my life as a writer.  


All poems are fourteen lines with an ababcdcdefefgg rhyme scheme and have ten syllables per line except for a few instances where I'm playfully mocking the form. Many of the poems involve acrostics, where the first letter of each line provides additional insight to the poem, best read upon completing each individual Sconnettt. Read on, review and please leave a comment too.  Scottt


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